7 Reliable Blog Marketing Ideas to Boost Traffic

7 Reliable Blog Marketing Ideas to Boost Traffic

January 10, 20235 minute read

The content was, and it’s likely to stay one of the main tactics businesses use to attract and retain customers, build authority in the niche, and relationships with their customers. However, writing compelling and informative content isn’t enough for success.

If nobody gets to see it, it will be as if it never existed.

That’s why many marketing managers and business owners try to discover different ways to boost traffic to their websites. Optimization, keyword research, link building are just some of the tactics they use to gain traction on their website.

We researched this topic and decided to provide you with 7 reliable blog marketing ideas that will help you boost traffic on your website and drive success.

  1. Invest in Landing Pages

The main purpose of a landing page is to make users take an aon - to subscribe to a newsletter, opt for a trial or subscribe to your services, and so on. Launching highly personalized landing pages is a great tactic to increase traffic to your website.

The main benefit of personalized landing pages is in the fact they’re directly speaking to particular customers and they’re more likely to result in conversions. Furthermore, an optimized landing page is more likely to drive organic traffic to your website.

You can find plenty of land page builders online that can help you skyrocket your marketing goals effortlessly.

  1. Conduct a Keyword Research

Having well-written and engaging content on your website won’t do much if you write about topics nobody cares about. To increase the traffic to your website, you need to do in-depth keyword research, which will allow you to see what your ideal customers are looking for, determine their pain points, and provide answers to their questions. 

To find out which keywords get the highest traffic and how difficult would be to rank for them, you can use tools such as Ahrefs or SEMrush. Your goal here would be to discover which keywords get a decent amount of traffic and a possibility to rank higher in SERP’s engine.

  1. Write Long-form Articles

Research says that long-form articles get more traffic, compared to shorter ones. There are several reasons why that is the case. Firstly, long-form articles are denser in keywords and they’re more likely to climb higher in ranking, as they contain long-tail keywords. Secondly, since they’re longer, they usually discuss the given topic thoughtfully and provide higher value for the reader, which Google values more.

However, it’s important to note that you shouldn’t try to write long-form content at all costs. Readers and Google will negatively review this. Quality is the key when it comes to promoting your business through the blog!

  1. Craft Killer Headlines

“Don’t judge a book by its cover” doesn’t count when it comes to web content. Quality content makes people stay on your website, but a good headline will help you bring them there. 

That said, besides writing quality content, make sure to master headline writing to attract the right audience to your website.

There are many tips and tricks on how you can improve your headline writing skills, including:

  • Suggesting your audience they’ll be surprised or shocked. 5 Celebrities Who Never Drink Alcohol (the 5th One Will Surprise you)

  • “How to” headlines are well-known for their traffic-driving skills, since they’re suggesting the audience will find solutions to their problems How to Troubleshoot Your Clothes Dryer

  1. Recycle and Reuse

If you’re looking for the best ways to drive traffic to your blog, you must have already read about keeping your content “fresh”. Many bloggers and website masters think that refers to writing new blog posts only. What they don’t realize is the fact they can update and revisit their existing content, updating, enhancing, and revamping it to match current trends.

This will benefit you in several ways. It will signal to Google that your content is “fresh” and relevant. Furthermore, revamping your older post will usually make it longer (and we know Google favours long-form content) which will ultimately increase the traffic to your website.

  1. Invest in Social Media

You should be where your consumers are, and most of them are on Social media. Be mindful when it comes to choosing which social network you will use to promote your blog content.

Think about the type of content you post. Is it full of visuals? You should then consider LinkedIn as your main social network. If your content is more on the techy side, you could leverage networks such as Reddit, for instance.

To discover which social network will be the most futile to your business, you can check Google Analytics and see where you get the most referral traffic and use this as a base. Then, make sure to be present on this network regularly, share your content, and engage with users to get an increase in traffic to your blog.

  1. Write Guest Posts

Guest posting was, and still is, one of the best ways to increase your reputation and website traffic. That said, make sure to build a list of websites that are relevant to your industry and offer to write for them. 

Writing a guest post for a well-known blog will enable you to reach an audience that wasn’t familiar with your work and attract them to your website. Furthermore, guest posting is a good link-building tactic that can help you climb SERP’s engine much faster.

Final Words.

After all that has been said, we can see why blogging has a massive impact when it comes to driving traffic to your website. However, writing quality posts isn’t enough to achieve success. In reality, besides writing, there’s a lot of work that goes into reaching the right audience, which can be a tricky job to complete. By utilizing these seven tactics, you’ll effortlessly skyrocket your website traffic and grow your readership effortlessly. 

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